Agile & DevOps

Agile & DevOps

Globally, as the world recovers from the impact of COVID-19, professional work environment is changing rapidly to accommodate a major change in the way of working. This includes companies shifting to distributed work environment/s with most of their project teams working from home and some portion of them working out of office/s making it a hybrid model of working as part of new normal

With global workforces getting connected remotely and consequent adoption of change in terms of collaboration mechanisms to maintain business continuity, organizations are also exploring different ways in which software delivery can be handled to ensure their operations are better handled to make it more efficient and effective

In the wake of all this, agile based project transformations are on the rise and combined with devops the benefits are highly rewarding resulting in higher productivity, reduced cost of delivery and faster turnaround time (TAT)

Agile & DevOps together are coexisting in the software delivery world today and by applying agile framework and CI/CD DevOps Capabilities, project teams are able to speed up their releases resulting in shorter release cycles which help to respond to customer demands quickly. Also adapting to agile and devops based collaborative approach results in greater security & better automation & configuration management

ValueSign provides end to end agile and devops project management services across industries with full project lifecycle capabilities

We possess the ability to manage and deliver projects on time working in distributed work environment/s with our team of agile & devops experts combined with project managers, deployment & operation managers with deep industry expertise. We back it up by using agile & devops best practices along with new age agile & devops tools & techniques leading to high quality project deliverables

Wish to explore more about our Agile & DevOps Services Capabilities? Do get in touch with us here